
Address Unknown. Reshaping the Jewish Living Space and Social Mobility in the Slovak State (1939–1945)

Address Unknown. Reshaping the Jewish Living Space and Social Mobility in the Slovak State (1939–1945)

Michala Lônčíková

Social mobility is a relatively common phenomenon in society. However, in the period...


Published 2020

The End of War, the End of Persecution? Post-World War II Collective Anti-Jewish Violence in Slovakia

The End of War, the End of Persecution? Post-World War II Collective Anti-Jewish Violence in Slovakia

Michala Lônčíková

Contrary to the previous political regime of the Slovak state (1939–1945), official...


Published 2019

Between Expulsion and Rescue: The Transports for German-speaking Jews of Czechoslovakia in 1946

Between Expulsion and Rescue: The Transports for German-speaking Jews of Czechoslovakia in 1946

Kateřina Čapková

The postwar experiences of German-speaking Jews who were forced to leave Czechoslovakia...


Published 2018

Germans or Jews? German-Speaking Jews in Post-War Europe: An Introduction

Germans or Jews? German-Speaking Jews in Post-War Europe: An Introduction

Kateřina Čapková and David Rechter

Historians have devoted increasing attention in the past decade to the aftermath...


Published 2017

'The Spirit of the Time Left its Stamp on these Works': Writing the History of the Shoah at the Jewish Historical Institute in Stalinist Poland

'The Spirit of the Time Left its Stamp on these Works': Writing the History of the Shoah at the Jewish Historical Institute in Stalinist Poland

Stephan Stach

The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw was probably the only research institution...


Published 2017

K dějinám obětí Víta Strobacha

K dějinám obětí Víta Strobacha

Peter Hallama


Published 2017

‘Vergangenheits- bewältigung’ po česku. Holokaust v českém samizdatu

‘Vergangenheits- bewältigung’ po česku. Holokaust v českém samizdatu

Peter Hallama

The author analyses representations of the Holocaust in Czech dissident literature...


Published 2017

„Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego” – powstanie , warunki działalności, percepcja

„Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego” – powstanie , warunki działalności, percepcja

Stephan Stach

This chapter is a historical introduction to a collection of research articles, which...


Published 2017

Jak si disidenti připomínali holokaust. Nezávislé připomínání „noci pogromů“ v NDR a povstání ve varšavském ghettu v PLR

Jak si disidenti připomínali holokaust. Nezávislé připomínání „noci pogromů“ v NDR a povstání ve varšavském ghettu v PLR

Stephan Stach

The article deals with commemoration ceremonies on Holocaust Memorial Days organized...


Published 2017

Żyd Polski Odrodzonej: Studium przypadku Aleksandra Hafftki, urzędnika ministerialnego i żydowskiego działacza społecznego w II RP

Żyd Polski Odrodzonej: Studium przypadku Aleksandra Hafftki, urzędnika ministerialnego i żydowskiego działacza społecznego w II RP

Stephan Stach

From 1927 until 1937, Aleksander Hafftka (1892–1962) was head of the Jewish Section...


Published 2016

Introduction [to the special issue of Studia Judaica with articles on Polish-Jewish and Czech-Jewish Studies]

Introduction [to the special issue of Studia Judaica with articles on Polish-Jewish and Czech-Jewish Studies]

Kateřina Čapková

Special issue devoted to the studies based on conference papers from the conference...


Published 2016

Beyond the Assimilationist Narrative: Historiography on the Jews of the Bohemian Lands and Poland after the Second World War

Beyond the Assimilationist Narrative: Historiography on the Jews of the Bohemian Lands and Poland after the Second World War

Kateřina Čapková

By comparing the historiography on postwar Jewish history in the Bohemian Lands and...


Published 2016

„Němečtí Židé“ v Československu v letech 1945-1948

„Němečtí Židé“ v Československu v letech 1945-1948

Magdalena Sedlická

The article is concerned with the legal status and general circumstances of the so-called...


Published 2016

Zuflucht für Prominente. Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland und Österreich

Zuflucht für Prominente. Die Tschechoslowakei und ihre Flüchtlinge aus NS-Deutschland und Österreich

Kateřina Čapková

The article analyzes the daily life situation of refugees from the Nazi Germany in...


Published 2015

Národně nespolehliví?! Německy hovořící Židé v Polsku a v Československu bezprostředně po druhé světové válce

Národně nespolehliví?! Německy hovořící Židé v Polsku a v Československu bezprostředně po druhé světové válce

Kateřina Čapková

The German-speaking Jews of neither postwar Poland nor postwar Czechoslovakia did...


Published 2015

Když jde o prospěch českého národa, antisemitismus to není... Polemika s texty Aleše Hamana, Jiřího Homoláče, Jana Mareše a Jana Randáka

Když jde o prospěch českého národa, antisemitismus to není... Polemika s texty Aleše Hamana, Jiřího Homoláče, Jana Mareše a Jana Randáka

Kateřina Čapková

Four contemporary Czech scholars, Ales Haman, Jiri Homolac, Jan Mares, and Jan Randak,...


Published 2014

Poválečné židovské obce v českém pohraničí

Poválečné židovské obce v českém pohraničí

Kateřina Čapková

The history of Jewish communities in the Sudetenland ends in the collective memory...


Published 2014

Dilemmas of Minority Politics: Jewish Migrants in Postwar Czechoslovakia and Poland

Dilemmas of Minority Politics: Jewish Migrants in Postwar Czechoslovakia and Poland

Kateřina Čapková

The article analyses the different legal positions of the Jews in postwar Poland...


Published 2014

Germans or Jews? German-Speaking Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia after World War II

Germans or Jews? German-Speaking Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia after World War II

Kateřina Čapková

The German-speaking Jews of neither postwar Poland nor postwar Czechoslovakia did...


Published 2013

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